Carl, Kathy Ward, Ariana Ward, Debbie, David Miller

New York family trip 2023

David Miller
By:  David Miller
Nov 22, 2023
1 min. read

I just recently got back from my first trip back to the states since moving to Germany in January 2020. It's been a long time. Too long. Between Global Pandemics™ and illnesses. Too much time. Too much loss.

Anyway I got to NY on a Thursday evening and Carl had come in earlier that morning. We went over to Kathy's apartment where Karen was staying. It was Karen we had all come to see. See was doing hospice there with her daughter and grand-daughter. I was good for everyone to get back together again. Probably for the rest of them the first time since brother Keith's unexpected funeral last Easter. I was the only one missing, stuck on the wrong side of the ocean.

Carl, Kathy Ward, Ariana Ward, Debbie, David Miller by Karen's bedside Carl, Kathy Ward, Ariana Ward, Debbie, David Miller by Karen's bedside

Millers_carl_kathy_ariana_debbie_david_karen.jpg Carl, Kathy Ward, Ariana Ward, Debbie, David, and Karen Miller Carl, Kathy Ward, Ariana Ward, Debbie, David, and Karen Miller

Carl and Liam playing a duet

David and Liam gaming on the couch

Liam and Carl getting classical

Liam and Carl getting classical

Tony Ward and Carl Miller at the restaraunt Tony Ward and Carl Miller at the restaraunt

Debbie Miller and cousin Nate Brooks Debbie Miller and cousin Nate Brooks

Fatema Nikki and Carl Miller sharing a quiet moment Fatema Nikki and Carl Miller sharing a quiet moment

Last dinner in New York before flying back. With grand-niece Ariana Ward, David Miller, Debbie Miller, and niece Kathy Ward Last dinner in New York before flying back. With grand-niece Ariana Ward, David Miller, Debbie Miller, and niece Kathy Ward

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